Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Crazy Town, U.S.A.

I know I’m not saying anything original, but this town is nuts. Sometimes good nuts, sometimes bad nuts. But nuts. Three good reasons, as if you need them:

1. This afternoon, after a particularly tiring ‘this sucks because my heart’s not in it’ swim/gym workout/spinning session, I headed home and cleaned up for a visit to the auction house down the block. Every year they have an auction entitled ‘Dogs in Art’, paintings and sculptures and whatever they can sell with a dog-related theme. It’s timed for the same week as the Westminster Dog Show going on now. Most of the artwork is cute and sentimental and not for me, but I wanted to see the star of the show, an original of the campy ‘Dogs Playing Poker’ by the original artist, C. M. Coolidge. That’s it pictured above.

The bidding started at $48,000. It soon passed $100,000. And in the end, it reached $160,000, somebody bidding over the phone got it. With the auction house fee, that’s $200,000, plus tax. I told you this city has lost its mind.

2. A friend of mine sent me a link to this video. It’s overly staged, but I like the concept. The main floor of Grand Central is always jammed with people walking scattershot, it reminds me of molecules hitting each other in some atomic reactor. I’m glad somebody was nutty enough to stop it for a few minutes.

3. And finally, below is a link to an article I came across at The New York Times. Some Brooklyn residents are up in arms because their local bars are banning them from bringing in their kids and strollers while they get sloshed. Maybe I’m just an old guy and not the one to ask, but when I was a kid I don’t seem to remember my parents wanting to drag me into bars to watch them drink. I don’t begrudge people from wanting to have a little fun, but honestly, don’t push your kids onto the rides at Amy Winehouse Land. The Baby Stroller Fascists (yes, always a new rock band name in every post) in my neighborhood already have my number, so I better keep quiet, or I’ll end up with a decapitated, bloody ‘My Little Pony’ head under my bedsheets.

The New York Times: Look Who’s Getting Rolled Out of the Bar


Bob Almighty said...

the Baby Stroller Facists....could be huge!

Well the new Rock Band Names, drunken Brooklyn parents,and the "well connected" bar owners aside...how's the swimming going?

Also thank you for the donation.

Dubs said...

the video at Grand Central Station is cool.

Mr. Satan A. Chilles said...

Dear Mr. Tired of Winter,

I'm tired of winter, too. The last few days have been extra nasty. You're probably right, Mother Nature is giving you an unplanned rest.

That said, thanks for asking about how the swimming is going. Well, it's going. I am making it to the pool 2-3 times a week after three swimming lessons. I am more relaxed, but I still haven't gotten the breathing part down, which is rather important. So although I can make it a ways in my lane, that breathing part is still challenging me, and it's just because I simply never learned how to swim. So every trip to the pool I get a little more relaxed, and I'm waiting for that breakthrough moment. Any day, maybe, but I've decided putting extra pressure on myself is not going to help. So I go and do the best I can (with paddle boards, flippers, everything available) before I get too tired or frustrated. More on all that later, but I've also learned that running stamina does not translate to swimming stamina, at least not yet for me. Sounds like I could've just written 'I'm hanging in there', but since you asked...

Sunshine said...

Go and do the best you can... sounds good to me.

That dog painting is amusing at least. PS.. I thought the beagle that won the show last weekend was quite cute.

New York may be nuts but it sure is interesting. Fun to read your blog.

mindy said...

The video was very cool! Does the My Little Pony head spill purple blood? Just wondering....