Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Back Home

Got back late yesterday from a long trip; lots, and I mean LOTS more on that later. So I’ve been missing out on races and other folks’ races, and obsessing about marathons/triathlons and general training in the place the Lenape Indians once called Manna-hata, or ‘Island of Many Hills’. Really? I hadn’t noticed.

Glad to be home, though I understand snow hit here and the rest of the Northeast last Friday. Sorry to gloat, but I was in warm Florida, at least for the first part of the trip. Even though it rained most of the time, it was still between 60 and 80 degrees. I just missed the state’s power outage yesterday on my way back, by the way.

The other destination was, well, three times hotter than FL. Of all places, I, Cranky ended up in South America’s summer season… and Brazil. Never been, had the opportunity, and took it. Just remember the worst, coldest temperatures you’ve experienced this winter, and go to the damp heat equivalent at the other end of the thermometer and that’s what I experienced for a few days, on the lower half of the planet at that. Jesus, Joseph and Mary, holla at your boy… it was HOT. I wish old JC had been around to turn water into Gatorade, let me tell you.

So pictures and crap are coming soon. No races, I just did training runs among the thousands and thousands of people who run in Rio. Who would’ve thought Brazil would have so many runners? Who run mid-day in sweltering heat? People crazy down there. But at least they’re running.


Speed Racer said...

I hate you. In the future, please keep such anecdotes about warm weather and general relaxation to yourself. Glad you're back in the cold, grey northeast to suffer along with the rest of us.

Is it true that everyone's bisexual in Brazil?

Angry Runner said...

In the land of the Most Beautiful Women on Earth, I envy you. Just thing of the hot, humid training as a subtle reminder of summers back home...

mindy said...

Welcome back! Yeah, it's cold here... Can't wait to see your pix and try and re-live the warmth...

Sunshine said...

Oh my! Florida instead of the snow in NYC??!

Runners in Brazil? Tell us more....