Friday, January 11, 2008

iPod Friday 23 – Black is the New Black

Why do people run in Central Park, or anywhere else for that matter, late at night? I realize not everyone has an easy work schedule, and getting a daily run in isn’t always convenient either, but is running at nine or ten o’clock that easy for so many runners?

The other night I was walking home and spotted more than a few runners coming from the direction of the park, and no, they weren’t coming from the gym, either. Plus, there were several guys wearing jogging outfits… that were entirely black. I know, ‘black is the new black’, but how dumb is that? New Yorkers know that taxi cab drivers don’t care whether they hit you or not, but don’t give them a good reason for doing it, f’Chrissakes.

Anyway. Late night running, I don’t get it. I know, not everybody is a ‘morning person’, but how anybody can finish a long day at work, deal with subway hell, eat dinner and then after all that hit pitch black darkness for a run is beyond me. Once or twice a year I’ll run late on a warm summer night in twilight, but it always leaves me wound up, making it hard to get to sleep. Whatever you’re used to, I guess. But people, don’t wear all black on a night run, that’s just idiotic. And dangerous.

And when misfortune befalls a runner, non-runners (i.e., everybody else) start that smug ‘see, it’s bad for you after all’ crap we’ve been hearing ever since Jim Fixx died. No, running is not bad for you, there are just idiots dressed in black running around in the dark in traffic. Running doesn’t kill, idiocy kills.

P.S. This one’s been on my iPod for a few months. A new Duran Duran tune where Simon doesn’t actually whine on the vocals. And of course, it’s got Timbaland all over it, which in this case is not such a bad thing.

Duran Duran – Nite Runner


Bob Almighty said...

Sadly I have to say I am one of those late night running freaks, granted my excuse is work and classes, and I always wear the most obnoxious set of reflective outerwear usually with the back sticker "If you can read this you are a 1/2 foot away from a law suit." But running in Central Park after dark, all in black that sounds like the beginning of an episode of Law and Order SVU waiting to happen.

Sunshine said...

Don't know about NYC, but in MN Twin Cities, we are pretty sure there are some SUV drivers who would just as soon hit a runner or a bicycle. We think... wear reflective and be ready to jump.

Speed Racer said...

I run at night when I have to, but I have the good sense to wear light colored clothing. The real question is, if you're going to have to look like an idiot, do you do so by making yourself invisible in dark clothing, or by slapping on a crossing guard's vest? It's a tough decision, I can understand why many would rather be invisible than look like a moving traffic cone.