With iPhone hysteria (perhaps too strong a word, but not really) coming to a head today, it’s only fitting to change the heading on this Friday’s post…
Interrupting a small run this morning, I headed down to the Apple store at 59th and 5th with a camera to check out the folks who decided to camp out for days to blow $599, plus tax, on an iPhone. I half expected to see somebody in line dressed as Darth Vader, and it was indeed the usual suspects, nerdy white boys wall-to-wall.
A hard-boiled local walking by asked me what was going on with all the news trucks, and I told him why so many people were in line. His response: “I’d rather see Paris Hilton for one second than do that’. And he wasn’t a Paris Hilton fan, he was sure to let me know.
Well, I’d love to hear what these happy campers think when AT&T (the only phone carrier for the iPhone) starts dropping their calls on Monday in NYC, which I hear is the standard coverage experience in the city. It probably won’t matter, because having a new toy will just mean another excuse for idiots to walk blindly into oncoming midtown traffic. Of course, this has little to do with running, other than the fact people are unable to do two things at the same time, like walk and use a phone, and they tune walkers and runners out alike. So this is why I stay away from midtown sidewalks when running. There, the idiots have already won.
With that, I leave you with another music blog link for tunes for your iWhatever. Head on over to Jefitoblog, if you will, where you can find long discussions about the relevancy of hits you forgot about long ago, and other crazy stuff along the way. The only issue I could possibly have with it is that I don’t have the time to read it all, that’s just me. But it does indeed poke ‘pop culture’s soft, white underbelly with a sharp-witted stick’, and that’s always a good thing.
seriously. between this and paris hilton being released from jail this week, you'd think there was nothing else happening in the world.
wait, is there anything else worth reporting, really?
imagine paris got the iphone? we would totally beat the terrorists.
iphone? I'm not even important enough to get a Blackberry. Ugh. Kids these days and their toys...
Was anyone there dressed in blue jeans and a black turtleneck- Steve Jobs style?
Y'know, I kind of looked for Mr. Jobs or somebody 'official' from Apple, but I figured they were busy looking over profit estimate paperwork. I can't complain to much about Apple, as I type this onto a Mac workbook...
Yes, Jodi, if Paris Hilton had only shown up in an iPhone line at an Apple store this weekend, the broadcast media would've just imploded.
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