Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Vive le Président

One of our weird obsessions is French politics, what with American politics being so depressing these days, and because their system is both so similar yet so different from ours. Anyway, last Sunday was the second and final vote for president, between center-right-right Nicolas Sarkozy and left-left-center socialist candidate Ségolène Royal. Madame Royal lost, or Sarko won depending on whom you ask. As soon as the president-elect accepted, he was off to a rented yacht in the Mediterranean for a little R&R before starting the fight to increase the 35-hour workweek to 40 (good luck).

So we’re watching Le Journal, the French 8 o’clock news, and there’s media coverage of Sarko stopping the boat in Sicily… to go running! Yes, the new president of France was jonesing to ‘faire le jogging’. We’d go nuts on a boat, too, and it’s nice to see that the newly-appointed high and mighty would as well. He did have that slow, hunched-over, arms-not-high-enough look to his eurorunning style, but who cares, we’ve all been there, or will be someday. Allez, allez!

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