That sure sounds like a Celine Dion song title.
SO I haven’t written much, read much; been gone far too long, thought about hitting the ‘Delete Blog’ button since I had nothing much to say since training for whatever has been on hold for almost a month. I’d give all the reasons, but they’re boring and tiresome and anybody who still has the patience to stop by here again has probably heard it before and understands, too.
Now that it’s another month, and fall marathon training has to start soon, I guess I’ll be writing more. Or at least about the last month of travel, which included one four-day period when I ran in Vienna, New York City, and Palm Beach, Florida. Quite a contrast.
So I’ll post some ‘what I did on my summer vacation’-type pictures just to prove to you I wasn’t sitting at home and watching reality shows in my underwear. Wait a minute, I don’t think there are any reality shows going on there, better rephrase that better next time…
July 4th is around the corner, so I hope you all have nice plans. I won’t be at the Patriot Half on the 5th, it’s disappointing to say the least (which is one reason I haven’t written much since I don’t want to expose anyone to my whining). I did one of those pros vs. cons lists, and the cons won hands down. When the time comes that I can actually swim a mile, I’ll be ready, though I have to say when I’m in the pool now I’m so relaxed I have to be careful not to get distracted and sink. Plus three weeks of ‘no triathlon training’ didn’t help, either. But someday baby’s first triathlon will happen, I’m just not going to rush the training like I did this year.
As usual, thanks for listening. Good luck in the summer heat. More later!
Well we'll be missing you tomorrow. Sniff. I totally have a friend who was thinking of maybe doing it, I should have hooked you guys up as a team since she swims like a fish but can't stand that running nonsense. Oh well.
Anyway, I'm glad to see that you're back, and well, and that you've finally put down the remote and put on a pair of pants. Looking forward to hearing about fall marathon training. I think Disney's still open, by the way. Don't you owe me an appearance?
Looking forward to "what I did on my vacation" pictures.. and training stories.
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