I didn't have a chance to properly thank R.B. for the puppetacular vision of Satan, pictured here. R.B. stands for, well, Running Bitch, and she's gone by that name for quite a while. Lovingly, of course.
So thanks again to R.B., who knows how to look fresh and perky near the end of a marathon, and for that, we'd like to ask her to cut that out!
I plan to use the word "Puppetacular" as much as humanly possible today. Next time you do a race, I think Puppet Satan should come along and when you go through the aid station and they say "Water!" but throw you a sticky green Gatorade instead, Puppet Satan will be there to receive the goods and deliver a most righteous damnation!
Satan, your mimi you puppet looks so damn cute. Which race metal is he wearing? Oh, just for the record, I've NEVER looked perky near the finish, so Satan, I can see you're being deceptive again and not disclosing the real reason why they call me the Running Bitch. I'll have to remind you at mile 24 in Chicago ;-)
Mindy, 'most righteous damnation' is what races are all about. Perhaps the 'M.R.D Marathon' or the '5K for Evil' should do it. You nailed it.
Why, R.B., that's a medal from NYC. I think they should have one that looks like the old subway token, that would make us all laugh when we most need to, at the end of 26.2. Make that 26.21, 'cause you gotta walk .01 to pick up the frickin' medal. See, Satan can complain about anything!
Yes, remind me in the Chicago Perkython, I'll deserve whatever you dish out...
It looks like I'll be coming in tomorrow afternoon, but late morning would still probably be best. My number is (781) 254-5158. My personal email (not blogger) is ClaireL.516@gmail.com . Do you have a real name?
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